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How Window Replacement Affects Home Insulation

In the cold winters that shroud the Edmonton and Grande Prairie areas every year, insulation is one of the most important aspects of keeping your home warm and comfortable. While most people understand the importance of insulation in their walls as well as the weather stripping around their doors. However, the importance of windows in keeping the warmth inside where it’s supposed to be.

Let’s go over the importance of windows when it comes to home insulation and why you should consider a window replacement.



Window replacement

The effectiveness of insulation is measured in a number called the R-value. It quantifies how well an insulator can resist heat transfer, whether that means keeping heat indoors during the winter or outdoors during the summer. A higher R-value means more effective insulation. As a reference, the Canadian building codes recommend a minimum value of R-22 for exterior walls.


You might also see a number called the U-value. A U-value is similar to an R-value, but it means the opposite. It measures how much heat is lost instead of how much is retained. A lower U-value is better.


How Your Windows Affect Insulation

Think of your home insulation as a suit of armour for your home. Windows that are not insulated properly are big holes in the armour where heat can escape. Ensuring you have windows that are well-insulated is a key part of keeping your family warm and comfortable in the winter.


How to Tell if Your Windows Are Badly Insulated

It can be surprisingly easy to spot if your windows have bad insulation.

·       Condensation on the Glass – if you’ve noticed condensation forming on the inside of your windows, that can be a sign of poor insulation.

·       Drafts – if your room seems oddly colder than the rest of your house and won’t warm up, that’s a good indication you may have bad insulation.

·       High Energy Costs – if you’re spending a lot more on your heating costs than you expect, that can indicate one or more windows are badly insulated.


How to Improve Window Insulation

If you’ve noticed that your window insulation isn’t up to snuff, your best bet is window replacement. Older windows are more likely to have worse insulation, so the clear solution is to replace those old windows with newer ones. Newer ones will have intact seals and will be double-glazed to provide a better barrier against heat loss. Newer windows can also take advantage of technological advancements to provide better insulation.


Call All-West Glass for Window Replacement

At All-West Glass, we are the go-to source for window replacement in Edmonton, Grande Prairie, and throughout the surrounding communities. Getting new windows for your home can help ensure you’re prepared for the frigid winters in Alberta and BC. We offer multiple glazing options that can both enhance your home’s energy efficiency while also improving the aesthetics of your room. We have multiple locations throughout the region so we can serve you better. Contact us today to request an estimate. We look forward to working with you.


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